• 3700, Griffith, #93, Montreal, H4T 2B3

Lawyer QPP

Lawyer QPP


Each plan or program has its own definition of disability. You must therefore check the definition of disability of each organization that may pay you compensation.

Whether you are a victim of a car accident or work accident, if the organizations concerned do not recognize a total disability, you may be entitled to the Quebec disability plan.

To note that:

  • Being recognized as disabled by another organization, such as an insurance company, does not automatically entitle you to the QPP disability pension. The criteria may be different.
  • In the medical assessment of the ability to work, Québec pension considers only the state of health.
  • If you are 60 to 64 years of age, you may be eligible for a disability pension if you have had to leave your usual job because of your condition and cannot continue to work regularly.
  • If you have already contributed to the Canada Pension Plan or a pension plan of a country with which the federal or Quebec government has entered into a social security agreement, these years may be added to your QPP contribution and to make you eligible for the disability pension.

For more information, make an appointment today. We will be happy to accompany you throughout this process.

Why choose Ms. Tudor as an QPP claims counsel?

  • Solid experience in the field of administrative law and more specifically in the defense of victims’ rights as well as in-depth medical knowledge.
  • The human approach, flexible pricing and dedication make our office a valuable ally in the process of getting your rights recognized.
  • Accredited mediator, promoting as much as possible negotiation, Ms. Tudor remains a formidable litigator and is recognized in court for these qualities.