• 3700, Griffith, #93, Montreal, H4T 2B3

Start defending your rights.
How does it work?

Cease and Desist

Get in touch with us

Send us your documents and pay 150$ online (*for registered mails in Quebec).

Send a demand letter from home

Our lawyer will get your demand letter ready in 48 hours.

File at small claims court

Our lawyer will help you defend your rights.

Administrative Law:

Meet our lawyer

Book an appointment and pay 60$ online for the first consultation.

Send us your documents

Benefit from hourly basis rates, flat rates, & discounts

We accept legal-aid mandates.

Why Choose Us

Easier and Faster: Online Services
Accredited Mediator in Civil, Commercial, Labor and Small Claims Law
10 Years of Experience in the Province of Quebec


Happy To Discuss About Your Requirement

We accept legal aid mandates.